Twiss, R. J., and Moores, E. M., 1992, Structural Geology: New York, Freeman, 532 p.
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Fundy half-graben, NS

Rift topography and gravity after Moores, E. M., and Twiss, R. J., 1995, Tectonics: New York, Freeman.
© Copied under license from Cancopy; further sale or reproduction prohibited.

After Twiss, R. J., and Moores, E. M., 1992, Structural Geology: New York, Freeman, 532 p.
© Copied under license from Cancopy; further sale or reproduction prohibited.

Twiss, R. J., and Moores, E. M., 1992, Structural Geology: New York, Freeman, 532 p.
© Copied under license from Cancopy; further sale or reproduction prohibited.

Twiss, R. J., and Moores, E. M., 1992, Structural Geology: New York, Freeman, 532 p.
© Copied under license from Cancopy; further sale or reproduction prohibited.

Davis, G. H., and Reynolds, S. J., 1996, Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions: New York, Wiley. Fig. 10.12

Davis, G. H., and Reynolds, S. J., 1996, Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions: New York, Wiley. Fig. 6.115

Seismic sections of the North Atlantic passive margin, offshore Nova Scotia

Davis, G. H., and Reynolds, S. J., 1996, Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions: New York, Wiley. Fig 6.128

Davis, G. H., and Reynolds, S. J., 1996, Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions: New York, Wiley. Fig. 6.131

Twiss, R. J., and Moores, E. M., 1992, Structural Geology: New York, Freeman, 532 p.
© Copied under license from Cancopy; further sale or reproduction prohibited.

Features of extensional fault arrays Models for hanging wall deformation

Contours of fault offset, across fault surface. Data from North Sea Oilfields, from by

Simple 'rollover' geometries

The 'Chevron' construction

Conjugate simple shear alternative to the Chevron construction